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How To Turn Any Pro-D Learning into Anti-Racism Education.

MAR Education Advocacy Team

This Friday, we challenge you to think critically about what you are learning.

Hello Educators!

Some thoughts for those attending Pro-D Opportunities on Friday...

In the last several months, we have seen many examples of how systemic racism is present in Canadian society. From healthcare, to policing, to Fisheries and Oceans, we are seeing heinous acts of racism play out in the news everyday. As Educators who work with young people, we have a responsibility to be aware of the racism that is also built into our education system, our curriculum, our schools, and our own practices.

This Friday, we challenge you to think critically about what you are learning. Not to protest or agitate, but rather to take steps down the path of becoming an anti-racist educator. Whether you are sitting in a workshop about reading, science, or computer coding, here are some questions you could be asking yourself while you are in your sessions.

  • How is my experience of this session possibly different than that of my BIPOC colleagues?

  • How does culture affect how different students would learn this material or interact with this pedagogy?

  • Do I know the cultural backgrounds of the students in my class? How can I think about what I am learning today through a culturally responsive lens based on the students in my school community?

If you are feeling safe, inspired or ready to take it a step further, you could ask a question to the group that challenges others in the learning session to also think through an anti-racist lens. Such as:

  • I find what we are talking about really interesting, do you think this [material/pedagogy/framework….] works in the same way for students of different cultural backgrounds, specifically black, indigenous, or students of colour?

  • I was really interested in this conference as the theme centred [Equity, Inclusion, Diversity….] Can you elaborate on how what you are saying expands equity in education for BIPOC students?

  • (Add your own amazing question here - and add it to the comments!)

Creating more equitable learning environments takes time. Some of us are just getting to the table and realizing that yes, our education system centres mostly white European experiences and leaves many voices out. Some of us don’t even realize this yet because we love teaching and have just always just done it the way that we thought worked best. It’s ok. Every step towards confronting racism in our own teaching, and in the education system as a whole, is a step forward. Be brave. Confront your own biases first and then move outward. Enjoy your learning this Friday!

In solidarity, Moms Against Racism Education Advocacy Team

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