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What Kind of Mother Are You?

Writer's picture: Kerry CaversKerry Cavers

You are either supporting the status quo - systemic racism - or actively working to dismantle it. There is no in between.

Black woman about to sip her coffee.

We believe that as moms, and those in mothering roles, we have the power to change the world through the relationships we build with “our” children. We have the power to shape the next generations. We have the power to end racism where it starts - in the home.

As mothers, we have been blamed for the plight of humankind. We didn’t raise our kids right and that’s why people make bad choices. And while I rebuff that statement because it ignores personal accountability, when it comes to racism… they’re not wrong. Racism is learned, or allowed to go unchecked, at home. When it comes to dismantling racism, we must #DoTheWork #StartingAtHome. We must practice Revolutionary Mothering.

Loving your own children and doing your best by them is not revolutionary; breaking intergenerational trauma and hurtful parenting practices, is.

Using your time, energy, and emotional resources to hold space for your children to become the best they can be is not revolutionary; using those same resources to create space for those left out, is.

I remember when I became a mother for the first time. It was overwhelming. I felt like my plate was always so full. What did I DO with all the TIME I had before having a kid?

Then I had a second child. It was overwhelming. My plate got bigger but it still always felt so full. What was I complaining about with just one kid??

Then, THEN, the universe out of nowhere blessed me with a third child. And shit hit the fan. My plate got bigger again and yes, still full. Looking back, two kids was a dream.

How is it that I was able to increase my capacity with each child despite feeling overwhelmed at each stage?

I saw it as not-optional. To build the life I wanted my capacity had to grow.

And it is the same with this 4th baby named, Dismantling Racism.

Joining the fight against racism is not optional for me anymore. I live in a racist society, I am impacted by racism each day, and even worse so are my children. Increasing my capacity to include racism-dismantler is not optional. I just must.

If racism is not directly impacting you, you may feel getting involved is optional. You may feel your life is already so full how could you possibly commit to one more thing? You may feel you don’t have the capacity to do the learning, the reading, the facing, the uncomfort, the work, to be anti-racist right now.

But you do, and you can, and to be a Revolutionary Motherer, you just must.

At Moms Against Racism Canada, this is our vision, our #why:

We believe that as moms, and those in mothering roles, we have the power to change the world through the relationships we build with “our” children. We have the power to shape the next generations. We have the power to end racism where it starts - in the home.

There is no role in this world that has more influence over the future than a mothering role. Together we can choose to stop breathing hate and fear into our next generations and instead foster within them acceptance and love. Together we can choose to instill values of social justice - access, inclusion, equity, diversity, participation, and human rights - into the hearts and minds of our next leaders.

Together, in our children, we can build a world for our descendants where everyone is valued.


Moms, lean in to the African Proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” and the words of many wise people who have said “there is no such thing as other people’s children”. Realize that by treating the dismantling of racism as optional you are harming your children and abandoning your village’s children.

Instead, choose to fight the status quo. Choose Revolutionary Mothering.

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“It’s about leaving something better for our kids. That’s how we’ve always moved this country forward, by all of us coming together on behalf of our children, because they know it takes a village.” - Michelle Obama

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